Presenter Instructions

Instructions for Research Papers

Long Papers

The presenter’s instructions for long papers at DASFAA 2024 are as follows:

  • Presentation Time: Each presentation, including Q&A, is allocated 15 minutes. For example, 12 minutes for your talk and 3 minutes for Q&A.
  • Before the Session: Please inform the session chair that you are the presenter before the session begins.
    • The name of the session chair will soon be available on the program.
  • Presentation Equipment: Please bring your own laptop for the presentation. HDMI connections are available.

Short Papers

Details will be announced soon.

Instructions for Industrial Papers

The presenter’s instructions for industrial papers at DASFAA 2024 are as follows:

  • Presentation Time: Each presentation, including Q&A, is allocated 20 minutes for long papers and 10 minutes for short papers.
  • Before the Session: Please inform the session chair that you are the presenter before the session begins.
    • The name of the session chair will soon be available on the program.
  • Presentation Equipment: Please bring your own laptop for the presentation. HDMI connections are available.

Instructions for Demo Papers

Two demo sessions will be held at the 2F Lobby Hall in the afternoon on July 4th. Each demo is assigned to either of Group A or Group B.

  • For the Group A demo, Demo 1 session (14:00 to 15:30) is the core time, and Demo 2 session (16:00 to 17:30) is the optional time.
  • For the Group B demo, Demo 2 session (16:00 to 17:30) is the core time, and Demo 1 session (14:00 to 15:30) is the optional time.

Please keep staying at your station during the core time.

The demo presenter may begin preparing for the demo at lunch break. Each demo presenter will be given one desk, one chair, one poster panel, and one power outlet. The demo co-chairs assumes that every presenter brings its own laptop to present the demo, and strongly expect that each presenter brings a poster. The panel is large enough for an A0 portrait poster. Note that Type A sockets (100V AC) are used in Japan. Don’t forget to travel with converters if you use other types.